Leisure Lux: Кардиган Спицами от Patons

В рассылке, приходящей мне с нескольких вязальных сайтов попадаются иногда совершенно шикарные вещи! Надо только уметь ждать и не пропустить очередную схемку. Сегодняшний улов: кардиган спицами от Patons. В описании указано, что это схема средней сложности, хотя на мой взгляд, больше подходит для опытных вязальщиц. 

Спешу поделиться находкой, пока на английском языке. Пожалуй, с меня перевод, особенно, если альтернативная пряжа найдется легко и стоить будет не дорого.

Думаю, это отличная вязанная кофта для начала осени, хорошо подойдет по стилю молодым педагогам, работникам дошкольных, школьных, профессиональных и высших учебных заведений!

Всех с Днем Знаний! 

Leisure Luxe Cardigan

Read more at http://www.allfreeknitting.com/Knit-Cardigans/Leisure-Luxe-Cardigan-from-Patons/ml/1/?utm_source=ppl-newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=allfreeknitting20140901#wDsLFEpJ4r1zXpOT.99

Спицы: 6 или 4 мм, 7 или 4.5 мм
Yarn Weight: (4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)
  • Patons Classic Wool Worsted (100 g/3.5 oz;192 m/210 yds)
  • Размеры: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2/3 XL, 4/5 XL - 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, клубков
  • Спицы 4 мм (U.S. 6) and 4.5 мм (U.S. 7) 
  • Спица для кос

Плотность вязания
20 петель Х 26 рядов = 10 cм на спицах большего размера


Подходят для ОГ
XS = 71-86.5 cм
S = 71-86.5 cм
M = 91.5-96.5 cм
L = 101.5-106.5 cм
XL = 112-117 cм
2/3 Extra Large = 122-137 cм
4/5 Extra Large = 142-157.5 cм
ОГ изделия
XS = 91.5 cм
S = 91.5 cм
M = 101.5 см
L =  113 см
XL =  127 см
2/3 Extra Large =142 см
4/5 Extra Large = 165 см

Beg = beginning
K = knit
P = purl
pat = pattern
psso = pass slipped stitch over
rem = remain(ing)
rep = repeat
Rnd = Round
RS = right side
sc = single crochet
Sl st = Slip stitch
sp(s) = space(s)
st(s) = stitch(es)
tog = together
WS = wrong side

The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written thus ( ). Numbers for each size are shown in the same color throughout the pattern. When only one number is given in black, it applies to all sizes. 

Panel Pat A (worked over 7 sts). (See chart)
1st row: (RS). K1. P1. K4. P1.
2nd and alt rows: K1. P4. K1. P1.
3rd row: K1. P1. C4B. P1.
5th, 7th, 9th and 11th rows: As 1st row.
12th row: As 2nd row.
These 12 rows form Panel Pat A.

Panel Pat B (worked over 7 sts). (See chart)
1st row: (RS). K1. P1. K4. P1.
2nd and alt rows: K1. P4. K1. P1.
3rd row: K1. P1. C4F. P1.
5th, 7th, 9th and 11th rows: As 1st row.
12th row: As 2nd row.
These 12 rows form Panel Pat B.

Panel Pat C (worked over 20 sts). (See chart)
1st row: (RS). (P2. T3B. T3F. P2) twice.
2nd and alt rows: Knit all knit sts and purl all purl sts as they appear.
3rd row: (P1. T3B. P2. T3F. P1) twice.
5th row: (T3B. P4. T3F) twice.
7th row: (T3F. P4. T3B) twice.
9th row: (P1. T3F. P2. T3B. P1) twice.
11th row: (P2. T3F. T3B. P2) twice.
12th row: As 2nd row.
These 12 rows form Panel Pat C.


With smaller needles, cast on 93 (107-113-121-141-169) sts.
1st row: (RS). K1. *P1. K1. Rep from * to end of row.
2nd row: P1. *K1. P1. Rep from * to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows (K1. P1) ribbing 3 times more, ending with a 2nd row and inc 8 (8-9-8-9-9) sts evenly across last row. 101 (115-122-129-150-178) sts.

Change to larger needles and proceed in pat as follows:
1st row: (RS). P1. *Work 1st row of Panel Pat A. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K1. P1.
2nd row: K1. P1. *Work 2nd row of Panel Pat A. Rep from * to last st. K1.
3rd row: P1. *Work 3rd row of Panel Pat A. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K1. P1.
4th row: K1. P1. *Work 4th row of Panel Pat A. Rep from * to last st. K1.
Panel Pat A is now in position.
Cont in pat until work from beg measures 18" [45.5 cm], ending with a WS row.

Shape armholes: Keeping cont of pat, cast off 7 (7-7-7-14-14) sts beg next 2 rows. 87 (101-108-115-122-150) sts rem.

Cont even in pat until armhole measures 8½ (9-9½-9½-10-10½)" [21.5 (23-24-24-25.5-26.5) cm], ending with a WS row.

Shape back neck: 1st row: (RS). Pat across 21 (21-25-28-28-33) sts. Turn. Leave rem sts on a spare needle.
2nd row: Work 2tog. Pat to end of row.
3rd row: Pat to last 2 sts. Work 2tog.
4th row: As 2nd row. 18 (18-22-25-25-30) sts rem.
5th row: Work even in pat. Cast off.

With RS of work facing, join yarn to rem sts and cast off 45 (59-58-59-66-84) sts. Pat to end of row.
2nd row: Pat to last 2 sts. Work 2tog.
3rd row: Work 2tog. Pat to end of row.
4th row: As 2nd row. 18 (18-22-25-25-30) sts rem.
5th row: Work even in pat. Cast off.


**With smaller needles, cast on 59 (65-73-79-85-99) sts.
Work 8 rows in (K1. P1) ribbing as given for Back, ending with a 2nd row and inc 3 (4-3-4-5-5) sts evenly across last row. 62 (69-76-83-90-104) sts.**

Change to larger needles and proceed in pat as follows:
1st row: (RS). P1. *Work 1st row of Panel Pat A.Rep from * to last 26 sts. K1. P1. Work 1st row of Panel Pat C. (P1. K1) twice.
2nd row: Sl1. K1. P1. K1. Work 2nd row of Panel Pat C. K1. P1. *Work 2nd row of Panel Pat A. Rep from * to last st. K1.
3rd row: P1. *Work 3rd row of Panel Pat A. Rep from * to last 26 sts. K1. P1. Work 3rd row of Panel Pat C. (P1. K1) twice.
4th row: Sl1. K1. P1. K1. Work 4th row of Panel Pat C. K1. P1. *Work 4th row of Panel Pat A. Rep from * to last st. K1.
Panel Pats A and C are now in position.

Cont in pat until work from beg measures 18" [45.5 cm], ending with a WS row.

Shape armhole and V-neck: 1st row: (RS).
Cast off 7 (7-7-7-14-14) sts. Pat to last 26 sts. P2tog. Pat to end of row. 54 (61-68-75-75-89) sts rem.

Sizes M, L, XL, 2/3XL and 4/5XL only: Next row: (WS). Work even in pat.
Next row: Pat to last 26 sts. P2tog. Pat to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows (5-12-22-22-34) times more. (55-55-52-52 -54) sts rem.

Sizes XS/S, M, L, XL and 2/3XL only: Work 3 rows even in pat.
Next row: (RS). Pat to last 26 sts. P2tog. Pat to end of row.
Rep last 4 rows 7 (12-8-3-3) times more. 46 (42-46-48-48) sts rem.

Size XS/S only: Cont in same manner, dec 1 st at V-neck edge on every following 6th row from previous dec to 42 sts.

All sizes: Cont even in pat until armhole measures same length as Back before shoulder, ending with a WS row.
Next row: Cast off 18 (18-22-24-24-30) sts. Pat to end of row. 24 sts rem.

Cont in pat on rem 24 sts, until work from shoulder measures length to fit along back neck edge to center of back, ending with a WS row. Cast off.


Work from ** to ** as given for Left Front.
Change to larger needles and proceed in pat as follows:
1st row: (RS). Sl1. P1. K1. P1. Work 1st row of Panel Pat C. P1. *Work 1st row of Panel Pat B. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K1. P1.
2nd row: K1. P1. *Work 2nd row of Panel Pat B. Rep from * to last 25 sts. K1. Work 2nd row of Panel Pat C. (K1. P1) twice.
3rd row: Sl1. P1. K1. P1. Work 3rd row of Panel Pat C. P1. *Work 3rd row of Panel Pat B. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K1. P1.
4th row: K1. P1. *Work 4th row of Panel Pat B. Rep from * to last 25 sts. K1. Work 4th row of Panel Pat C. (K1. P1) twice.
Panel Pats B and C are now in position.
Cont in pat until work from beg measures 18" [45.5 cm], ending with a RS row.

Shape armhole and V-neck: 1st row: (WS). Cast off 7 (7-7-7-14-14) sts. Pat to end of row. 55 (62-69-76-76-90) sts rem.

Sizes M, L, XL, 2/3XL and 4/5XL only: Next row: Pat across 24 sts. P2tog. Pat to end of row.
Next row: (WS). Work even in pat.
Rep last 2 rows (6-13-23-23-35) times more. (55-55-52-52-54) sts rem.

Sizes XS/S, M, L, XL and 2/3XL only: Work 2 rows even.
Next row: (RS). Pat across 24 sts. P2tog. Pat to end of row.
Work 3 rows even in pat.
Rep last 4 rows 8 (12-8-3-3) times more. 46 (42-46-48-48) sts rem.

Size XS/S only: Cont in same manner, dec 1 st at V-neck edge on every following 6th row from previous dec to 42 sts.

All sizes: Cont even in pat until armhole
measures same length as Back before shoulder, ending with a RS row.
Next row: Cast off 18 (18-22-24-24-30) sts. Pat to end of row. 24 sts rem.
Cont in pat on rem 24 sts, until work from shoulder measures length to fit along back neck edge to center of back, ending with a WS row. Cast off.


With smaller needles, cast on 91 (99-101-101-107-113) sts.
Work 4 rows in (K1. P1) ribbing as given for Back, ending with a 2nd row and inc 3 sts evenly across last row. 94 (102-104-104-110-116) sts.

Change to larger needles and proceed in pat as follows:
1st row: (RS). P7 (1-2-2-5-8). (Work 1st row of Panel Pat C) 4 (5-5-5-5-5) times. P7 (1-2-2-5-8).
2nd row: K7 (1-2-2-5-8). (Work 2nd row of Panel Pat C) 4 (5-5-5-5-5) times. K7 (1-2-2-5-8).
3rd row: P7 (1-2-2-5-8). (Work 3rd row of Panel Pat C) 4 (5-5-5-5-5) times. P7 (1-2-2-5-8).
4th row: K7 (1-2-2-5-8). (Work 4th row of Panel Pat C) 4 (5-5-5-5-5) times. K7 (1-2-2-5-8). Panel Pat C is now in position.

Cont in pat until work from beg measures 10" [25.5 cm], ending with a WS row.
Place marker at each end of last row.
Work a further 6 (6-6-6-12-12) rows in pat.

Shape top: Cast off 6 sts beg next 10 rows.
Cast off rem 34 (42-44-44-50-56) sts.


Pin garment pieces to measurements. Cover with a damp cloth, leaving cloth to dry.

Sew shoulder seams. Sew cast off edges of front extensions tog. Pin extensions along back neck edge, matching seam with center of Back. Sew in position.
Sew in sleeves, placing rows above markers along cast off sts at Back and Fronts to form square armholes. Sew side and sleeve seams.

Pockets (make 2).
With smaller needles, cast on 27 sts.
Work 6 rows in (K1. P1) ribbing as given for Back, ending with a WS row and inc 2 sts evenly across last row. 29 sts.

Change to larger needles and proceed as follows:
1st row: (RS). (Work 1st row of Panel Pat A for Left Front or Panel Pat B for Right Front) 4 times. K1.
2nd row: P1. (Work 2nd row of Panel Pat A for Left Front or Panel Pat B for Right Front) 4 times.
3rd row: (Work 3rd row of Panel Pat A for Left Front or Panel Pat B for Right Front) 4 times. K1.
4th row: P1. (Work 4th row of Panel Pat A for Left Front or Panel Pat B for Right Front) 4 times.
Panel Pat A or B is now in position.

Cont in pat until work from beg measures approx 6" [15 cm], ending with 6th row of pat. Cast off. Sew Pocket in position, noting directions of cables will match on Pockets and Fronts.


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